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"Circle of Life" ![]() ![]() From the day we arrive on this planet And blinking, step into the sun There's more to see than can ever be seen More to do than can ever be done There is far too much to take in here More to find than can ever be found But the sun rolling high Through the sapphire sky Keeps great and small on the endless round It's the circle of life And it moves us all Through despair and hope Through faith and love Till we find our place On the path unwinding In the circle The circle of life It's the circle of life And it moves us all Through despair and hope Through faith and love Till we find our place On the path unwinding In the circle The circle of life "The Morning Report" ![]() ![]() [Zazu:] It's an honor and a privilege, a duty I perform With due sense of decorum and with pride With deference and great respect very much the norm Plus a hint of sycophancy on the side To lay before my ruler all the facts about his realm To fill him in on all the beastly news [Mufasa:] Yes, yes, Zazu, get on with it! [Zazu:] In order that His Majesty stands sturdy at the helm Aware of all the fauna's latest views [Mufasa:] Zazu! The morning report! [Zazu:] Er-- yes, Sire-- the morning report Chimps are going ape, giraffes remain above it all Elephants remember, though just what I can't recall Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks Showed interest in my nest egg but I quickly said "No thanks!" We haven't paid the hornbills and the vultures have a hunch Not everyone invited will be coming back for lunch This is the morning report Gives you the long and the short Every grunt, roar, and snort Not a tale I distort On the morning report [Mufasa:] What are you doing, son? [Simba:] Pouncing [Mufasa:] Let and old pro show you how it's done [Zazu:] The buffalo have got a beef About this season's grass [Mufasa:] Stay low to the ground Warthogs have been thwarted In attempts to save their gas Flamingoes in the pink and [Simba:] Yeah, stay low! Chasing secretary birds Saffron is this season's color Seen in all the herds [Mufasa:] Shh, not a sound Moving down the rank and file Take it slow To near the bottom rung One more step Far too many beetles are Quite frankly in the dung Then pounce! Aaaaaak! [Simba:] This is the morning report Gives you the long and the short Every grunt, roar, and snort Not a tale I distort On the morning report [All:] This is the morning report Gives you the long and the short Every grunt, roar, and snort Not a tale I distort On the morning report "The Lioness Hunt" ![]() ![]() We baba zingela siyo zingela baba Zingela siyo, zingela baba [Hunting, we are going hunting] Hi ba la qhubekeni siyo zingela [Let us go and hunt] Ta ta Mama wele le hay Ta ta mama wele tata Zingela baba Ta ta Mama wele le hay Ta ta mama wele tata Zingela baba Oo yay ye nibo (Repeat) "I Just Can't Wait to be King" ![]() ![]() [Simba:] I'm gonna be a mighty king, so enemies beware! [Zazu:] I've never seen a king of beasts With quite so little hair [Simba:] I'm gonna be the mane event Like no king was before I'm brushing up on looking down I'm working on my roar [Zazu:] Thus far a rather uninspiring thing [Simba:] Oh, I just can't wait to be king! [Simba:] No one saying do this [Zazu:] Now when I said that-- [Nala:] No one saying be there What I meant was-- [Simba:] No one saying stop that What you don't realize-- [Both:] No one saying see here Now see here! [Simba:] Free to run around all day That's definitely out-- [Simba:] Free to do it all my way! [Zazu:] I think it's time that you and I Arranged a heart-to-heart [Nala:] Kings don't need advice From little hornbills for a start [Zazu:] If this is where the monarchy is headed Count me out Out of service, out of Africa I wouldn't hang about This child is getting wildly out of wing [Simba:] Oh, I just can't wait to be king! Everybody look left [Nala:] Everybody look right [Simba:] Everywhere you look I'm-- [Both:] Standing in the spotlight [Zazu:] Not yet [All:] Let every creature go for broke and sing Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling [Simba:] Oh, I just can't wait to be king! [Nala:] Oh, he just can't wait to be king! [Simba:] Oh, I just can't wait... [Nala:] Just can't wait [Both:] To be king! "Chow Down" ![]() ![]() [Banzai:] He called us slobbering! [Shenzi:] Said we were mangy! [Banzai:] Did I hear stupid? [Ed:] Huh? [Hyenas:] Tell us again-- gee It's so incredible [Shenzi:] That you're so rude [Banzai:] When you're so edible When you are food! [Banzai:] It's time to chow down [Hyenas:] Chow down! Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chow down [Shenzi:] I'm chompin' at the bit, baby [Banzai:] My stomach's on the growl, son [Hyenas:] Chow down! Chow down! You both been invited on a date Two courses handed to us on a plate We'll have you raw, won't be long to wait Seeing you're already brown Chow down! Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chow down! [Banzai:] Your ribs are looking so tasty [Shenzi:] Such chewy little chops, chums [Hyenas:] Eat up! [Shenzi:] Now wasn't it her mom who ate your dad? [Hyenas:] And having parents eaten makes us mad [Banzai:] We're gonna settle up the score a tad [Hyenas:] We've never had a snack of such renown Chow down! Chow down! [Ed:] Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh- [Shenzi:] What, Ed? What is it? [Banzai:] Hey, did we order this dinner to go? [Shenzi:] No [Banzai:] Well, there it goes! [Hyenas:] I think we should begin the meal from scratch So many juicy segments to detach Be good as gold for you're as good as carved [Shenzi:] Here, kitty kitty... [Hyenas:] We're starved! "They Live in You" ![]() ![]() Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Night And the spirit of life calling Mamela And a voice With the fear of a child asking Mamela Wait There's no mountain too great Hear these words and have faith Have faith They live in you They live in me They're watching over Everything we see In every creature In every star In your reflection They live in you They live in you They live in me They're watching over Everything we see In every creature In every star In your reflection They live in you Ingonyama nengw' enamabala "Be Prepared" ![]() ![]() [Scar:] I never thought hyenas essential They're crude and unspeakably plain But maybe they've a glimmer of potential If allied to my vision and brain I know that your powers of retention Are as wet as a warthog's backside But thick as you are, pay attention My words are a matter of pride It's clear from your vacant expressions The lights are not all on upstairs But we're talking kings and successions Even you can't be caught unawares So prepare for a chance of a lifetime Be prepared for sensational news A shining new era Is tiptoeing nearer [Shenzi:] And where do we feature? [Scar:] Just listen to teacher I know it sounds sordid But you'll be rewarded When at last I am given my dues! And injustice deliciously squared Be prepared! [Banzai:] Yeah! Be prepared. We'll be prepared! For what? [Scar:] For the death of the king [Banzai:] Is he sick? [Scar:] No, fool! We're going to kill him. And Simba, too [Shenzi:] Great idea! Who needs a king? [Hyenas:] No king, no king! La la la la la! [Scar:] Idiots! There will be a king! [Banzai:] But you said... [Scar:] I will be king! Stick with me and you'll never go hungry again! [Hyenas:] Yay, all right! Long live the king! Long live the king! It's great that we'll soon be connected With a king who'll be all-time adored [Scar:] Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected To take certain duties on board The future is littered with prizes And though I'm the main addressee The point that I must emphasize is You won't get a sniff without me! So prepare for the coup of the century Be prepared for the murkiest scam [Hyenas:] Oooooo, la-la-la! Meticulous planning We'll have food! Tenacity spanning Lots of food Decades of denial We repeat Is simply why I'll Endless meat Be king undisputed Respected, saluted And seen for the wonder I am Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared Be prepared! [Hyenas:] Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared - Be prepared! "Rafiki Mourns" ![]() ![]() Madi ao [Spilled blood] Leka sebete chia ho oele sebatha [Try courage so the beasts may fall] Mo leka qeme o tsaba hoa [Those who defy mountains are, in truth, cowards] Lebo haleng ha o bue ka le ha [Even in anger, you do not speak against wrong...] Lebo haleng ha o bue ka le ha Oh, oh Halala humba heh heh heya heeyahee Halala humba hela hela hela Halala humba heh heh heya heeyahee Halala humba hela hela hela Halala humba heh heh heya heeyahee Halala humba hela hela hela Halala humba heh heh heya heeyahee Halala humba hela hela hela (Repeat) "Hakuna Matata" ![]() ![]() [Timon:] Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase [Pumba:] Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze [Timon:] It means no worries for the rest of your days It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata! [Simba:] Hakuna Matata? [Pumba:] Yeah. It's our motto! [Simba:] What's a motto? [Timon:] Nothing. What's a-motto with you? [Pumba:] Those two words will solve all your problems [Timon:] That's right. Take Pumbaa here Why, when he was a young warthog... [Pumba:] When I was a young wart hog [Timon:] Very nice [Pumba:] Thanks [Timon:] He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal He could clear the savannah after every meal [Pumba:] I'm a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind And oh, the shame [Timon:] He was ashamed Thought of changin' my name What's in a name? And I got downhearted How did ya feel? Everytime that I... [Timon:] Hey! Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids! [Pumba:] Oh. Sorry [Timon:] Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze [Simba:] It means no worries for the rest of your days [Both:] It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata! Hakuna Matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna Matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna Matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna Matata! Hakuna-- [Simba:] It means no worries for the rest of your days [Both:] It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata! (Repeats) [Pumba:] I say "Hakuna" [Timon:] I say "Matata" "One by One" ![]() ![]() Ibabeni njalo bakithi [Hold on tight, my people] Ninga dinwa [Don't get weary] Ninga phelelwa nga mandla [Don't lose your strength] Siya ba bona [We can see] Bebe fun' ukusi xeda [They wanted to hold us back] One by one Ngeke ba lunge [They will not succeed] One by one Sizo nqoba [We will win] One by one Ngeke ba lunge [They will not succeed] One by one (Repeat) Sizo nqoba [We will win] Ngoba thina [Because] Siya zazi [We know who we are] Ngoba thina [Because] Siya zazi [We know who we are] (Repeat) Zobona bayabaleka [Come and see] Zobon, zobona [The cowards are running away] Zobon, zobona Zobon, zobona Zobon Amagwala Ibala lami [The color of my skin] Elimnyama [That is dark] Ndiya zidla ngalo [I'm proud of it] Ibala lami [The color of my skin] Elimnyama [That is dark] Ndiza kufa nalo [I will die with it] Ibala lami [The color of my skin] Elimnyama [That is dark] Ndiya zidla ngalo [I'm proud of it] Kumnandi [Oh yes] Kwelakakith Eafrica [It's beautiful in Africa] "The Madness of King Scar" ![]() ![]() [Scar:] Zazu, why am I not loved? I am that rare and awesome thing I'm every inch a king Yet I feel a twinge of doubt As I go walk about [Banzai:] Hey, boss! [Scar:] When my name is whispered through the pride Is this talk of love or regicide? [Shenzi:] Reggie who? [Scar:] Tell me I'm adored Please tell me I'm adored [Banzai:] Hey, boss! [Scar:] Oh, what is it? [Banzai:] We got a bone to pick with you [Shenzi:] There's no food, no water-- [Banzai:] Yeah. It's dinnertime, and there ain't no stinkin' entrйes! [Scar:] Oh, you and your petty complaints. You don't know what real hunger is. Day after day it gnaws at the very core of my being [Banzai:] I had that once. It was worms [Scar:] No, no, no... it's like an itch... deep, persistent, profound... [Banzai:] That's it-- worms! When they get really bad all you gotta do is... hunker down and scoot [Scar:] Thanks for the tip. Ingrates! If it weren't for me you'd be beating off buzzards for your next bite! Yeah, you're our savior, thanks a bunch But how about some lunch? It doesn't matter if it's fresh I need a fix of flesh My bones have moved to where they've never been They are on the outside looking in [Scar:] Are you blaming me? Oh no, it's the lionesses You are so adored Oh, you are so adored [Scar:] That's more like it But what I'd give for one more hit Of wildebeest kielbasa Or maybe hornbill on the spit... [Zazu:] Oh, how I miss Mufasa [Scar:] Mufasa?! Mufasa?! How dare you! I told you never to mention that name! [Zazu:] Note taken. I shall never mention "M-m-m" again [Scar:] Even in death, his shadow looms over me There he is! No! There he is! And there! [Zazu:] Calm yourself, Sire, or you'll get another one of your splitting headaches! [Scar:] I am perfectly fine! I'm better than Mufasa was I'm revered I am reviled I'm idolized I am despised I'm keeping calm I'm going wild! I tell myself I'm fine Yes I am, no you're not Yes I am, no you're not I tell myself I'm fine No you're not, yes I am, no you're not Yes I am No you're not Yes, no, yes, no, who am I talking to...? [Zazu:] Oh, pull yourself together, Sire! [Scar:] Oh, very well. Zazu? Zazu, Zazu, Zazu...? [Zazu:] Yes, Sire? [Scar:] Nobody loved me, there's the rub, not even as a cub What did my brother have that I don't have? [Zazu:] Do you want the short list or the long? [Scar:] Whatever! [Zazu:] Well, he had adoring subjects... a loving family... a devoted queen... [Scar:] That's it! I need a queen! [Zazu:] A what? [Scar:] A queen, man! A queen! Without a queen, what am I? A dead end, no line, no descendants, no future. With a queen, I'll have cubs... Immortality will be mine! Immortality will be mine! [Nala:] Scar [Scar:] Ah, Nala... Your timing couldn't have been more perfect. My how you've grown [Nala:] Scar, you have got to do something. We're being forced to overhunt [Scar:] She's got those assets feminine [Nala:] You're the king. Control the hyenas [Scar:] I have to make her mine [Nala:] You're destroying the Pridelands [Scar:] Nobility in every gene [Nala:] If we don't stop now.. Don't you see... [Scar:] She has to be my queen [Nala:] ...there's still a chance for things to be all right again... [Scar:] Come, sweet Nala It's written in the stars [Nala:] What are you doing? Are you listening to me? [Scar:] We'll create a host of little Scars [Nala:] What are you talking about? [Scar:] Tell me I'm adored [Nala:] Get away from me [Scar:] Tell me I'm adored Oh, Nala... you know how I loathe violence... One way or another, you will be mine [Nala:] Never, Scar. Never! [Scar:] You belong to me You all belong to me "Shadowland" ![]() ![]() [Chorus:] Fatshe leso lea halalela [The land of our ancestors is holy] Fatshe leso lea halalela [Nala:] Shadowland The leaves have fallen This shadowed land This was our home The river's dry The ground has broken So I must go Now I must go And where the journey may lead me Let your prayers be my guide I cannot stay here, my family But I'll remember my pride Prideland I have no choice My land I will find my way Tear-stained Lea halalela Dry land Take this Take this prayer With you What lies out there Fatshe leso Lea halalela And where the journey may lead you Let this prayer be your guide Though it may take you so far away Always remember your pride [Chorus:] Fatshe leso lea halalela Fatshe leso lea halalela Fatshe leso lea halalela [Nala:] And where the journey may lead you Let this prayer be your guide Though it may take you so far away Always remember your pride And where the journey may lead you Giza buyabo, giza buyabo Let this prayer be your guide I will return, I will return Beso bo Though it may take you so far away Giza buyabo, I will return Always remember your pride Giza buyabo, oh giza buyabo Beso bo, my people, beso bo "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" ![]() ![]() Lala kahle [Sleep well] In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight (Chorus) Imbube Ingonyama ifile [The lion's in peace] Ingonyama ilele [The lion sleeps] Thula [Hush] Near the village, the peaceful village The lion sleeps tonight Near the village, the peaceful village The lion sleeps tonight (Chorus) Ingonyama ilele (The lion sleeps) Hush my darling, don't fear my darling The lion sleeps tonight Hush my darling, don't fear my darling The lion sleeps tonight He, ha helelemama [He, ha helelemama] Ohi'mbube [lion] (Chorus) Ixesha lifikile [Time has come] Lala [Sleep] Lala kahle [Sleep well] Near the village, the peaceful village The lion sleeps tonight Near the village, the peaceful village The lion sleeps tonight (Chorus) My little darling Don't fear my little darling My little darling Don't fear my little darling Ingonyama ilele [The lion sleeps] (Repeat to fade) "Endless Night" ![]() ![]() Where has the starlight gone? Dark is the day How can I find my way home? Home is an empty dream Lost to the night Father, I feel so alone You promised you'd be there Whenever I needed you Whenever I call your name You're not anywhere I'm trying to hold on Just waiting to hear your voice One word, just a word will do To end this nightmare When will the dawning break Oh endless night Sleepless I dream of the day When you were by my side Guiding my path Father, I can't find the way You promised you'd be there Whenever I needed you Whenever I call your name You're not anywhere I'm trying to hold on Just waiting to hear your voice One word, just a word will do To end this nightmare I know that the night must end And that the sun will rise And that the sun will rise I know that the clouds must clear And that the sun will shine And that the sun will shine I know that the night must end And that the sun will rise And that the sun will rise I know that the clouds must clear And that the sun will shine And that the sun will shine (Repeat to end) I know Yes, I know The sun will rise Yes, I know I know The clouds must clear I know that the night must end I know that the sun will rise And I'll hear your voice deep inside I know that the night must end And that the clouds must clear The sun The sun will rise The sun The sun will rise "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" ![]() ![]() [Timon:] I can see what's happening [Pumba:] What? And they don't have a clue Who? They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line Our trio's down to two. Oh. The sweet caress of twilight There's magic everywhere And with all this romantic atmosphere Disaster's in the air [Chorus:] Can you feel the love tonight The peace the evening brings The world for once in perfect harmony With all its living things [Simba:] So many things to tell her But how to make her see The truth about my past, impossible She'd turn away from me [Nala:] He's holding back, he's hiding But what, I can't decide Why won't he be the king I know he is? The king I see inside? [Chorus:] Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things [Both:] Can you feel the love tonight? You needn't look too far Stealing through the night's uncertainties Love is where they are [Nala:] And if he feels the love tonight In the way I do [Simba:] It's enough for this restless wanderer [Both:] Just to be with you "He Lives in You" (Reprise) ![]() ![]() Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Night and the spirit of life calling mamela And a voice just the fear of a child answers mamela Ubu khosi bo khokho [This is the throne of our ancestors] We ndodana ye sizwe sonke [Oh, son of the nation)] Wait, there's no mountain too great Hear the words and have faith Have faith He lives in you He lives in me He watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you He lives in you He lives in me He watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you He lives in you He lives in you He lives in you He lives in you He lives in you He lives in me He watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you He lives in you He lives in me He watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you "King of Pride Rock"/"Circle of Life" (Reprise) ![]() ![]() Ndabe zitha [King of kings] Nkosi yethu [Our king] Mholi wezwe lethu [Ruler of our land] Lefatshe la bonata rona [This land of our ancestors] Lea halalela [Is holy] Busa le lizwe bo [Rule this land] Busa le lizwe bo Busa le lizwe bo Lethu busa ngoxolo [Rule with peace] Is'khathi sifikile [The time has come] Is'khathi busa iyo [It's time, rule] Is'khathi sifikile [The time has come] Busa lomhlaba [Rule this land] Is'khathi sifikile [The time has come] Is'khathi sifikile Busa Simba [Rule, Simba] Busa Simba Hem na iyo Hem na iyo Hem na nkosi bo [Rule, our king] Busa Simba iyo [Rule, Simba] Hem na iyo Oh busa Simba iyo [Oh, rule Simba] Hem na iyo Oh busa nkosi bo [Ah, king of kings] Hem na nkosi bo Oh busa Simba iyo [Rule, our king] [Oh, rule Simba] Busa Simba iyo Busa Simba iyo [Rule, Simba] [Rule, Simba] Ubuse ngo thando [Rule with love] Ubuse ngo thando Ubuse ngo xolo [Rule with peace] Busa Simba, Busa Simba [Rule, Simba, rule, Simba] Ubuse ngo xolo [Rule with peace] Ubuse ngo thando [Rule with love] Ubuse ngo xolo Ubuse ngo thando Ubuse ngo xolo Till we find our place On the path unwinding In the circle The circle of life Circle of life |
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